A satisfying and healthy dinner for your little one and mummy or daddy too!
We can’t get enough of this tasty fish risotto recipe in our house at the moment! It’s perfect to make for two days (hello to less time cooking/preparing the next day!), or you can even make more and keep in your freezer for another day.
If your little one (or you!) are dairy free, white fish such as cod or haddock is a great way to ensure you’re getting a rich source of iodine within the diet, which we usually get from dairy sources, as it’s important for development and metabolism.
If you’re breastfeeding or pregnant, you’ll need 200mg a day of iodine, which is slightly higher than the general population at 150mg a day!
This tasty fish dish also contains two different vegetables (onions and peas!) and easy for your little one to scoop up with a spoon. For more tasty recipes suitable for Mummies, check out my latest posts over on @nicsnutrition.

✔️ 2 cod fillets
✔️ 200g risotto rice
✔️ 500ml low salt vegetable stock
✔️ 1 tsp garlic
✔️ 150g frozen peas
✔️ 1 finely chopped onion
✔️ Tsp olive or rapeseed oil
- Bake the fish in the oven until fully cooked (as per the instructions on the packet!)
- Fry the onion in the oil until soft & add the garlic
- Add the risotto rice & fry for a few minutes
- Start adding the vegetable stock a bit at a time whilst stirring the rice until it is tender
- Add the peas & gently simmer for 20 minutes (add a little more water if needed!)
- Break up the fish (remove any skin first if needed) & add it to the risotto along with a knob of dairy-free spread to finish (& pepper if desired)

This dish should be left to cool & popped in the fridge within 1 to 1.5 hours. It Once cooked, make sure to cool any leftovers as quickly as possible and pop into the fridge within an hour and a half. Use any leftovers kept in the fridge within 24 hours, or freeze to use at a later date. When you’re ready to use, defrost either overnight in the fridge or in the microwave. Once defrosted, add a splash of water & reheat in the microwave until steaming hot; which should take around 2 minutes (just make sure you stir regularly to heat evenly!).
I really hope this recipe is a new family favourite!
Don’t forget to let me know over on @mummynutrition if you give it a go – enjoy! 🙂