I cannot believe that I can finally say that my first ever eBook is here and I am so proud of it. It’s been a long time in the making but has combined over a decade’s worth of knowledge working as a dietitian with ladies before, during and after pregnancy – in addition to my own personal experiences being pregnant with H and now baby 2.
I wanted this eBook to be a support for ladies who are either before, during or after pregnancy and it is CRAMMED with information, top tips, checklists, printables, recipes and more.

I’ve included the contents list below so you can see it, but it’s 100 pages long and I’ve even included a ‘postpartum’ version too for ladies who don’t plan on having another baby (click here for more information!).

Thank you so much for supporting my @mummynutrition page and if you would like a copy of my eBook check out [this link] for more information or click the button below and use the code LAUNCH20 for 20% off (valid until I give birth!!).
Why I wrote this book {extract}
This eBook has been something that I’ve been meaning to put together for the last 3 years – ever since I fell pregnant with my now toddler, as despite already conducting clinics with expectant mothers and ladies who were trying to conceive or who were postpartum, the way I conveyed my messages changed when I experienced pregnancy myself – all of a sudden I knew what morning sickness actually felt like, and how tiredness can hit a whole new level when you have a bump. Not to mention what life is then like in the 4th trimester and beyond – it can be REALLY hard to prioritise nutrition and fitness, and that’s coming from personal experience.
Taking this into account, I wanted to create a guide that is not only educational but practical too, giving you the information to help you to lead a healthy lifestyle as much as possible, no matter what you may be experiencing.
So why nutrition, and why now? The first 1,000 days of a child’s life (from the moment they are conceived until the age of 2 years old) can influence their health for a lifetime. It’s a time when their brain, body and immune system grows and develops significantly – more than at any other time! In addition to this, what we eat (& drink!) can have a huge effect on mum’s energy levels and recovery too. Nutrition matters!
I’m a realist though – pregnancy can be (very) tough for mothers to be, from nausea to sickness and cravings to fatigue, it can be hard to prioritise healthy eating (and rest and movement!) .. especially if you have other little ones too.
This is why I like to talk about what you can ADD to your diet i.e. what you can eat to provide both nourishment AND satisfaction.. as well as the odd chocolate biscuit or piece of cake (or pizza and chips in my case!!). Soul food is important too!
So read on to find out my top tips and keep in mind that you can skip over bits or come back to bits when relevant. I wish you all the best in your pregnancy journey, whatever stage you are at, and I’m so glad to be on it with you.

About Me! {extract}
Hello! And welcome to the Mummy Nutrition eBook which aims to guide you through the nutritional aspects of fertility, pregnancy and beyond.
My name is Nic and I qualified as a Registered Dietitian back in 2009. I have spent the last 10 years working with ladies before, during and after pregnancy and run clinics for the NHS as well as a private hospital.
Personally I have a little boy who is almost 3 (born Nov 2018), and a double rainbow baby on the way (due Nov 2021!) – he or she may be here when you are reading this – check out my Instagram page @mummynutrition for updates!
I live in Yorkshire with my husband Oliver, and have a passion for promoting healthy lifestyles both on and offline, and helping others with their dietary intake. I’m a realist though and after two pregnancies know just how hard it can be to ‘stay on track’ and fit everything in!
I really hope that I can provide you with all of the information and practical tips and advice that you may need in your pregnancy journey – what ever stage you may be at.
Nic x @nicsnutrition